Mass Save

Save anywhere from 75% to 100% on weatherization installations through our partnership with Mass Save.

Home Energy Assessments

As certified Energy Specialists, we will help you maximize your energy efficiency and minimize your energy bills. With a free Home Energy Assessment we will analyze your current energy use, help you develop a plan to make your home more energy efficient, and educate you on rebates and incentives you may qualify for through Mass Save.

Through Mass Save you could qualify for:

  • No Cost Air Sealing
  • Up to 100% off approved insulation
  • Rebates of up to $10,000 for Water-Heaters, Air Conditioners and Heaters
  • You may also apply for 0% HEAT Loan financing for certain eligible upgrades

Schedule a Home Energy Assessment today to see if you can benefit from no-cost air sealing and 75–100% off approved insulation improvements.

Get a FREE Home Energy Assessment!

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"Caddis is flexible with their project scheduling and provides updates to customers as required. Folks, don't just assume you are not eligible for MASS SAVE assistance, just make the call..."

Income Based Programs

Mass Save offers additional resources to help those who are eligible make energy-saving upgrades. See if you qualify for these offers to upgrade your 1-4 unit home, improve your family’s comfort, and lower your monthly energy bills.

Two income-based programs are available wth Mass Save. Both start with a no-cost Home Energy Assessment and offer discounted or no-cost products and services:

Enhanced Residential

If you qualify for the Enhanced Residential Program, then you’re eligible for a no-cost insulation upgrade and increased rebates on efficient heating equipment.

Income Eligible

If you qualify for the Income Eligible Program, then you may be eligible for no-cost insulation and air-sealing upgrades

Use the table to see if your annual household income falls below the Income Eligible Program maximum or within the Enhanced Residential Program range.

Number of Household Members Annual Household Income
2022 – 2023 Heating Season
  Income Eligible ProgramEnhanced Residential Program
1 < $42,411 $42,412 – $56,548
2< $55,461$55,462 – $73,948
3< $68,511$68,512– $91,348
4< $81,561$81,562 – $108,748
5<  $94,610$94,611 – $126,147
6< $107,660$107,661 – $143,547
7< $110,107$110,108 – $146,809
8< $112,554$112,555 – $150,072
9< $115,001$115,002 – $153,335
10< $117,448$117,449 – $156,597
11< $119,895$119,896 – $159,860
12< $122,343$122,344 – $163,124
13< $124,788$124,789 – $166,384
14< $127,235$127,236 – $169,647
15< $129,682$129,683 – $172,909
16< $132,129$132,130 – $176,172
17< $134,576$134,577 – $179,435

Visit the Mass Save Website for more information.

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